Thursday 22 June 2017

Announcing the Launch of TYLC

The young leaders’ council is an international organization that saddled with the responsibility of institutionalizing personal leadership among youths all around the world. We deeply believe in the saying that everything rises and falls on leaderships. 
    Benjamin Disreali said the youths of a nation are the trustees of posterity and if the youths of any nation have lost the cause of genuine leadership then the future of such a nation is in jeopardy.
 we seek to reach out to every youth in every locality, in every community, in every province, in every state, region and country and get them grounded in what leadership essentially is. To make them understand the ideals of responsibility, personal management and emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and a lot more. The youths of our Nations today have an inimical practice of abdicating responsibility and blaming the government and their immediate society for the woes that might befall them.
If the youths of our time fail to rise up to the challenge of leadership then our future lies only in uncertainty and jeopardy

see more at

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